This piece which features in the video above is entitled 'Nude' and is a tribute after the American born artist Richard Schmid the music that accompanies is by the wonderful Irish group 'Kila'. I completed the painting a few days ago and just finished up editing this short video of its creation the day before yesterday.
It is always an enjoyable surprise and experience for me to see how I bring a painting together as during its creation I am hardly conscious of the processes I take but rather enveloped and immersed in solving problems of tone form and line etc one after another to unify the piece and express how I interpret the scene.
To see the finished piece and more of my figure painting please visit my RHA blog which features an ongoing diary of painting created from life at the Royal Hibernian Academy in Dublin.
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An oil painting demonstration by Irish Artist Richard Hearns. This painting is a tribute to a painting by Richard Schmid. Music by Kila.
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This blog functions like a diary and records painting studies made from life during sessions at the Royal Hibernian Academy of Arts in Dublin, Ireland and the Art Students League of New York, U.S.A.
Figures do appear in a lot of my paintings - especially in my earlier works - portraits and sketches of close friends were a recurrent theme and subject for me during my early to late teens followed by a two year obsession in depicting subjective interpretations of Brian Keenan, an Irish man who was kidnapped in the Lebanon - the place of my birth.
My semi representational and expressionistic landscape paintings which I create from memory, on location, and from photographic references and sketches have also been known to feature a lone figure. But I have a whole body of work that I seem to add to now and then which deals exclusively with the figure.
There are also figurative drawings found in my notebooks and sketches which developed over the years during my travels abroad.Below is a link to My Notebook and Sketches Archive.Hope you will have a look at that work too and enjoy the diversity found in those very special mixed media drawings.